Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Communication Styles" Seller vs. Consumer

With major advances in information technology and electronic commerce-customers know what they want, leaving Sellers urged sometimes forced to be creative and  innovating when approaching that customer and that sale, just constantly having to reinvent and adapt themselves; But there's one thing that will never change and that is human to human communication (the process).
According to the book Selling Today, under Communication Styles "Style Flexing" ; The book discusses how communication style influences the relationship process in sales. Sellers should have a better understanding of their own preferred communication style and the ability to manage their selling relationships more effectively by learning to adapt their style to fit the preferred communication style of the customer. This practice is called "Style Flexing" through various communication styles;

Their are two important dimensions of human behavior that can be rated from a high to a low:
Dominance -can be defined as the tendency to control or prevail over others, dominant individuals tend to offer opinions readily and are decisive and self assertive.
Sociability -can be defined as the amount of control we exert over our emotional expressiveness, Individuals who are higher in sociability tend to express their feeling freely, while people that are low in this dimension tend to control their feelings.
By combining these two dimension of human behavior we can form a partial outline of the communication-style models-
The four common communication style models:
Emotive style- combination style higher dominance and higher sociability
Directive style-combination style higher dominance and lower sociability
Reflective style- combination style lower dominance and lower sociability
Supportive style- combination style lower dominance and higher sociability

Actor Robin Williams and Oprah Winfrey are examples of Emotive people; they do not hide their feelings and express opinions dramatically (source: George Burns/Newscom)

The ability to identify another person's communication style and to know how when to adopt your own preferred style to it, can afford you the seller a crucial advantage in dealing with people. Differences between people can be a source of friction, the ability to "speak the other persons language" is an important relationship management skill.

1 comment:

  1. These communication styles are important to know, as you approach the customer. I can't wait to see how you "flex" your style next week, in your sales communications...
